District 1 - Al Hernandez
Board Member
Phone: (813) 794-5590
Email: alvherna@pasco.k12.fl.us
List of District 1 草榴社区apps
District 2 - Colleen Beaudoin
Board Member
Phone: (813) 794-2140
Email: crbeaudo@pasco.k12.fl.us
List of District 2 草榴社区apps
District 3 - Cynthia Armstrong
Board Member
Phone: (813) 794-3492
Email: carmstro@pasco.k12.fl.us
List of District 3 草榴社区apps
District 4 - Alison Crumbley
Vice Chairman
Phone: (813) 794-3491
Email: acrumble@pasco.k12.fl.us
List of District 4 草榴社区apps
District 5 - Megan Harding
Phone: (813) 794-3493
Email: mharding@pasco.k12.fl.us
List of District 5 草榴社区apps
Want to call or ? Please see our handy board member district map first for the most efficient service.
The citizens elected to serve as members of the 草榴社区app County 草榴社区app Board are responsible for the formulation and adoption of educational policies consistent with laws governing public education set by the State Legislature. Rules and guidelines for actions are also set by the Board of Education whose members are elected by the registered voters of the State of Florida. The 草榴社区app County 草榴社区app Board is responsible for setting 草榴社区app Board policies. The 草榴社区app County Superintendent of 草榴社区apps carries out the Board’s policies while overseeing the day-to-day operations of the district
Our five 草榴社区app Board members are elected county-wide. 草榴社区app Board meetings are held twice per month, at 9:30 A.M. on the first Tuesday of each month, and at 6:00 P.M. on the third tuesday of each month unless otherwise announced. Meetings are open to the public and are held at the District Office complex, building #3 North, located at 7205 Land O’ Lakes Boulevard, Land O’ Lakes, FL 34638. Agendas for each meeting are provided in the boardroom lobby and on the 草榴社区app Board Meetings page.
Please direct all correspondence for 草榴社区app Board members to their attention at the following address:
7227 Land O’ Lakes Boulevard
District 草榴社区app Board of 草榴社区app County
Land O’ Lakes, Florida 34638
Paul M. Meeker, P.A. 13044 Scharber Road Dade City, Florida 33525 Tel: (352) 834-4213